Top Family-Friendly Halloween Movies!

Hey, friends! Halloween is quickly approaching and I don’t know about you, but we love spooky season around here. Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year, and it also helps that I’m an October baby (where are my fellow Scorpios?!).

I love spending special moments with my son showing him some seasonal shows and movies. I thought it could be fun to jot down a list of our favorites right now in case you’re needing some inspiration for your next family movie night. Quick disclaimer that you know your kids best and to use your best judgement on when they are ready for each option. Nico has always been a kid who’s into the creepier things in life so he loved Nightmare Before Christmas as an infant but it may be too scary for other younger kids. Ok, now on to the list!

  • Hotel Transylvania

    • I’m a huge fan of movies that my husband and I can enjoy (almost) as much as our son. Adam Sandler and Selena Gomez star as vampires who run a hotel completely away from humans, until one shows up! Shenanigans ensue, and it’s honestly a great time. Highly recommend!

  • Hocus Pocus

    • The millennial in me just cannot let go! Full disclosure though, this movie scared me so much as a child I literally could not even attempt to watch it again until I was in my mid-twenties. But I’ve overcome that fear and am in love all over again!

  • Coco

    • Ok I feel like this one should come with a disclaimer to the parents that this could end in you finishing a box of tissues and wanting to go hug your loved ones. But the colors and music in this movie paired with the opportunity to talk to Nico about other cultures and how they celebrate holidays has made Coco a winner in our house.

  • Monsters, Inc.

    • While this technically isn’t a Halloween movie, I’m sure not gonna pass up an opportunity to hangout with Mike and Sully! Lean into the monster element for this and show your kiddos that Halloween doesn’t have to always be scary to be fun.

  • Nightmare Before Christmas

    • This is definitely the creepiest on the list, but it’s such a classic I had no choice but to include it. The music is great and the animal is super unique. It could definitely be too scary for a lot of younger kids.

  • Halloweentown

    • Disney Channel in the early 2000’s was truly elite! I still love this movie today and can’t wait until Nico is a bit older and can enjoy it with us.

So there you have it! A quick list of family-friendly Halloween entertainment options to help with your next spooky season watch party. Happy haunting! 🎃🦇


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