Girls Guide to Car Maintenance: Keeping Your Car on the Road and Money in Your Pocket

Hey, friends! Are you tired of feeling intimidated or confused when it comes to car maintenance? Do you feel like this is something only men are taught how to do? Well, I’m here to tell you that you are not alone. Car maintenance can seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and a little bit of knowledge, you can easily take care of your car and feel confident doing it. In this blog post, I am going to share some easy maintenance tips every girl should know. So, buckle up (pun absolutely intended) and let's get started!

Trust Your Gut

Before anything else, I just want to acknowledge that many of us have had negative experiences with service providers trying to upsell us on things we may not actually need just because they think we don’t know better. If you feel like this is happening to you, trust your gut and politely decline service until you find a reputable shop. You want to have a trusted mechanic who will always help you with what you need and not try to squeeze extra money out of you. Knowledge is power, ladies, so let’s not allow this behavior any longer!

Regular Check-up and Maintenance

Just like how we need to see our doctor (hopefully) semi-regularly, our cars also need regular check-ups to ensure that everything is running smoothly. Regular tune-up sessions with your trusted mechanic should cover the transmission, engine oil, brake pads, and tire pressure. Make sure that you jot the suggested schedules of routine maintenance so you can keep track and ensure your car's overall health.

Pay Attention to Your Tires

Tire pressure is essential for safe driving and optimal fuel efficiency. It’s a task that’s quick and easy to perform and important to do regularly. Underinflated tires will increase wear and tear, which will result in decreased fuel economy, while overinflated tires can wear down in the center and create an unsafe driving experience. So be sure you have the correct tire pressure- check your manual. YouTube can also be an awesome resource for this kind of thing if you are a more visual learner!

Change Your Oil

Think of oil as one of your car's life-giving fluids. Regular oil changes prolong the life and performance of your vehicle. Some oil change ideas have changed over the years, so take advantage of synthetic oils that can be used for longer periods. Just make sure you note the oil types and recommended oil changes schedules for your vehicle.

Listen to Your Car

You know your car best, so listen to it. While you’re driving you’ll be familiar how your car sounds, or how it feels, these can serve as warning signals. For example, if you hear odd noises, a rattling tailpipe may indicate a loose exhaust pipe or failing muffler, while a grinding sound when you brake might require new brake pads. Don’t put off getting these checked out either, this will probably lead to bigger problems and a lot more money you’ll need to spend.

Keep it Clean

Last but not least, keeping your car clean and tidy can save you from potential issues down the road. Grime and dirt accumulation can lead to rusting and other damages. So, cleaning your car regularly and especially checking the cleanliness of your battery terminals can ensure that your car will start without a problem. Also keeping the inside of your car reduces the chance of distraction or the potential of a projectile in the case of an accident.

Knowing the basics can help you feel more empowered and in control when your car needs attention. Just remember to make car maintenance a routine and prioritize the health and safety of your vehicle. After all, our vehicles are extensions of ourselves, and we want them to serve us well. So let’s stay on top of it, ladies!

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