Girl's Guide to Sports: Intro to the NFL

Hey, ladies! I don’t know about you, but I have been loving all of the attention on football after Taylor Swift attended a few games to watching Travis Kelce. We are a big football household here and are huge fans of the Philadelphia Eagles. I absolutely love the excitement and fun of watching NFL games each Sunday and don’t want all my girlies out there to miss out any longer.

If you've always wondered what the fuss is all about when it comes to the NFL but felt a little intimidated by the complex rules and the avalanche of statistics, then this guide is for you. Don't worry; you don't need to be an expert to enjoy the game. We're here to break it all down in a way that's both fun and easy to understand.

The Basics

The Objective

  • In its simplest form, the game is about two teams fighting to get a ball into the opponent's end zone to score points. The more points, the better!

The Teams

Each team consists of:

  • Offense: The players who try to score

  • Defense: The players who prevent the opposing team from scoring

  • Special Teams: Responsible for kicks and punts

The Duration

  • 4 Quarters, each lasting 15 minutes

  • Halftime break between the 2nd and 3rd quarters

Positions to Know


  • Quarterback (QB): The leader on the field, responsible for passing or handing off the ball.

  • Running Back (RB): They run with the ball.

  • Wide Receiver (WR): They catch passes from the QB.

  • Tight End (TE): A mix of WR and offensive lineman; they can catch and block.


  • Defensive Linemen (DL): They try to rush the QB.

  • Linebackers (LB): The heart of the defense; they stop running plays and assist in pass coverage.

  • Cornerbacks (CB) and Safeties (S): They prevent the WRs from catching the ball.

Special Teams

  • Kicker (K): Kicks the ball for field goals and extra points.

  • Punter (P): Kicks the ball away to the opponent when the offense can't advance.

Key Terms

  • Touchdown (TD): Worth 6 points; occurs when a player crosses into the opponent's end zone with the ball.

  • Field Goal (FG): Worth 3 points; a kick through the opponent's goalposts.

  • Extra Point: After a TD, the team has the option to kick for 1 point or try a 2-point conversion (a mini-play for an extra 2 points).

  • Sack: When the defense tackles the QB behind the line of scrimmage.

  • Interception: When the defense catches a pass meant for the offense.

Girl Power


  • Women like Sarah Thomas, the first female NFL referee, and Jen Welter, the first female coach in the NFL, have paved the way for a more inclusive game.

Fantasy Football

A fun way to get into the sport; pick your dream team and compete with friends!

Super Bowl Party

Even if the game isn't your thing, the Super Bowl is a cultural event complete with amazing commercials and a half-time show that's often more about pop culture than it is about sports.

Players to Watch

Ok now you may have gotten all the way through the blog and are still thinking “this is all fine but I still don’t care about the rules” then this is the section for you! I put together a few players that make the game worth watching 😉

And there you have it—a quick and easy guide to understanding the NFL! Next time you're at a sports bar or a Super Bowl party, you'll know just enough to follow the game and join in the conversation. Who knows, you might just become a fan along the way! 🏈💁‍♀️

Let me know in the comments if you watch any games this weekend!


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